Повыси свое здоровье с помощью витаминов для женского здоровья гинекология
O.A.Limanova, E.U.Lisicina, O.N.Gracheva, O.A.Gromova
The cyclic vitamin and mineralotherapy refers to non-hormonal methods of stimulation of ovulation and the regulation of the menstrual cycle (MC). Appointment of vitamin and mineral products safely and claimed the normal physiology of the reproductive system. Violations of the MC is accompanied by a variety of symptoms and often chronic somatic pathology that occurs as a result of dysmorphism of connective tissue. Clinical cases illustrate the effectiveness of the integration into the program of treatment of menstrual function by including drug Cyclovitа.
Key words: menstrual cycle, connective tissue dysplasia, vitamin-and mineralotherapy, Cyclovitа.